Estate Planning
What is an "Estate" and why do you need an Estate Planner?
Everyone has an "Estate." But not everyone takes ownership of it. Basically, your estate is all of the things of a material or financial nature that you own with a discernible value. These include your properties, your vehicles, your bank accounts, your assets and so on. If you utilize our Estate Planning Services, you essentially take the driver's seat and are empowered to determine how your estate will be mediated and distributed when you die.
An Estate Planner will create an estate plan for you with specific instructions for how each piece of your Estate will be mitigated. Our Estate Planners empower you and give you the final say in all of your own estate matters. Isn't that how it should be?
Without Estate Planning, (through the careful assistance of our estate planners), your estate is left in the hands of your state's lawyers. They do not know you, your family, your wishes and your intents. And they will not take the time to find out.
Don't let them decide the fate of your estate. Take control, and gain peace of mind in knowing that our estate planners have collaborated with you directly to create the specific estate plan that meets your expectations, needs and desires.
Do you have a will?
Though most Americans are aware that they need some sort of Will, the majority of us – about 60% – don’t have one. People procrastinate for many reasons, but it’s important to know that Estate Planning – no matter what the size of your estate – doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. And once it’s done, you’ll rest easier, knowing that your wishes will be fulfilled no matter what the future brings.
It’s a universal truth that you can’t take it with you.
But will your inheritors have to pay for what you leave behind? When a person dies, someone must step in to finalize that person’s affairs. Bills must be paid, property must be accounted for and assets must be passed on to the heirs chosen by the deceased person. Without other arrangements, state law usually requires that all this be handled through court proceedings. This process can take many months. Because probate is time consuming, expensive and usually unnecessary, smart people plan in advance to avoid placing this burden on their heirs.
We realize that many of us are squeamish when it comes to thinking and talking about death, particularly our own.
But, preparing a few legal documents with the help of someone who is familiar with this process can ensure that the things you worked so hard for all your life will be saved from probate and unnecessary taxes. Get answers to your estate planning questions. Learn how to provide a personalized program that’s just right for you and your family. Don’t put this important decision off any longer. You’ll be glad you did and so will your loved ones.
Getting Started
For 95% of you reading this page, most of your estate planning needs consist of a Will, Powers of Attorney, Living Will and perhaps a Living Trust.
Our Network Partners are attorneys and estate planners. Many have over twenty-five years of experience in assisting clients with Estate Planning. In that period of time our Partners have assisted in the development of more than 15,000 Estate Plans.
Today, they have taken these years of experience and developed the Forever Plan with the Estate Plan Navigator Portfolio. This document preparation package provides all the documents listed above and more! For those of you who need more OR less, we have other packages to suit your unique needs. Contact us today to learn more, including online tools with guidance provided by legal professionals.
For more information about your Forever Plan, click the video link below:
Introduction To Estate Planning
NOTE: Please note that neither our Network Partners nor CVWA are acting as your attorney or providing legal advice. Our Network Partners are able to prepare your documents based on their experience and in consultation with legal resources on their respective teams. Steve Stanganelli of Clear View Wealth Advisors is not acting as your attorney nor providing legal advice. As an Accredited Estate Planner professional, Steve provides general guidance, education about your options, assistance with funding your trust or reviewing your beneficiary designations, and facilitates the submission of your information to our Network Partners.
Existing Estate Planning Summary
$250 (Includes Advisor Fee)
Network attorney or estate planner will review existing estate plan and provide a summary of all decisions.Trust-Based Estate Plan
$1,500 (Includes Advisor Fee)
- Advisor will facilitate data gathering and submission and coordination with legal team
- Advisor will assist with “funding” the trust, including help with listing proper beneficiaries
- Network attorney or estate planner will prepare the following documents
- Certification of Trust
- General Transfer
- Property agreement for community property states
- Financial Power of Attorney
- Medical Power of Attorney or Advance Health Care Directive
- HIPAA Release
- Pour Over Will
- Deed(s) Filed for Real Property (Additional Charges & Recording Fees Will Apply)
- Online Secure Storage of Executed Plan Documents
Will-Based Plan
$900 (Includes Advisor Fee)
- Advisor will facilitate data gathering and submission and coordination with legal team
- Network attorney or estate planner will prepare the following Documents:
- Will
- Financial Power of Attorney
- Medical Power of Attorney or Advance Health Care Directive
- HIPAA Release
- Online Secure Storage of Executed Plan Documents
Estate Plan Update & Maintenance
$300 (Includes Advisor Fee)
- Advisor will facilitate data gathering and submission and coordination with legal team
- Network attorney or estate planner will review and prepare any updates to align plan with client needs or changes in tax and estate laws
Rights Package - Ideal for College-Bound Students
$300 (Includes Advisor Fee)
- Advisor will facilitate data gathering and submission and coordination with legal team
- Network attorney or estate planner will prepare the following documents:
- Financial Power of Attorney for student
- Medical Power of Attorney or Advance Health Care Directive for student
- HIPAA release for student
- Online secure storage of executed plan documents